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Boston Acupuncture Center

Needham Office

1410 Highland Ave. Suite 102

Needham, MA 02492

Tel:(781) 492-2899
(617) 756-0500

Fax: 781 444 9889



Boston Office

7 Whittier Place

Boston, MA 02114

Tel: (617) 642-4088

Fax: 617 227 9889


Boston Acupuncture Center          


Acupuncture has been used to help infertility for a long history in China. Dr. Zhang has been using acupuncture (sometimes combined with herbal medicine) to help hundreds of couples to conceive either naturally or combined with Assisted Reproductive Therapy (ART such as IUI/IVF).

Acupuncture can help treat infertility and improve the success rate of Assisted Reproductive Therapy (ART such as IUI/IVF) in many ways:

1. Relax patient, reduce stress and anxiety and help sleep, more positive thinking
2. Increase blood flow to the uterus, improving chances of implantation
3. Regulate and balance hormone, lower evaluated FSH
4. Improve ovary function to produce better quality eggs
5. Improve sperm quality (count/motility/morphology)
6. Regulate estrogen and progesterone level to thicken the uterine lining
7. Prevent uterine contraction and improve implantation
8. Help respond better to medication
9. Relieve side effect of fertility medication used in IVF/IUI
10. Prevent habitual miscarriage

Click here to read frequently asked questions if you need more information:

Click here to read what patients are saying

If you are interested in reading more about acupuncture and infertility, please click and read Dr. Zhang’s published paper (2005) entitled Acupuncture and the Treatment of Infertility.

Most infertility patients can benefit from Chinese medicine (acupuncture or herbal medicine), particularly those who have tried on their own unsuccessfully for over a year or those who have failed one or two of IUI/IVF. For these patients, there is always an underlining internal imbalance exists in the body that do not show itself through modern exam such as ultrasound or blood tests, the medical doctor will tell you have unexplained infertility. Dr. Zhang can detect such imbalance by Chinese medicine diagnosis methods, such as looking and feeling signs such as cold hand or feet, color of the tongue, color of face, the strength of the pulse at different locations and asking other factors such as digestions, stress, sleep, and the impact of the environment, cold, heat, dryness etc. on the patient. Once the imbalance is found, acupuncture or herbal medicine for infertility treatments will be used to restore the balance of the patient.

Many doctors have told their patients that they should use acupuncture for IVF because they have found out that acupuncture make them respond better to medication, get more eggs, get healthier eggs, or get higher pregnancy rates. Many women with specific problems such as high FSH levels or miscarriages have been found that acupuncture is very helpful to all these problems. Acupuncture treatment is an effective means to aid conception in many cases of infertility - endometriosis, ovulation problems, unexplained infertility, poor ovarian reserve, poor egg quality, luteal phase defect, habitual miscarriage, thin endometrium, irregular periods, amenorrhea, PCOS, abnormal uterus, male factor infertility such as low sperm count, low motility and morphology, etc.

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